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Telephone 1: 0573-83361666

Telephone 2: 0573-83220666/83362666

Mailbox: Huanghxb_119@sina.com

Yisheng: No. 39, Meidong Road, Wangdian Town, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City

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Injection molded parts sample

Injection molded parts sample

  • Classification:Precision injection molding
  • Number of views:second
  • Release date:2021-10-22 09:24:47
  • overview
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  • technical

Injection molded parts refer to various injection molded products produced by injection molding machines, including various packaging, parts, etc. Mainly made of materials such as polyethylene or polypropylene, and added a variety of organic solvents.

The choice of plastic parts mainly depends on the type of plastic (thermoplastic or thermosetting), the initial shape, and the shape and size of the product. The production of injection molded parts generally adopts compression molding, transfer molding, and injection molding . Laminating, molding, and thermoforming are molding plastics on a flat surface. The above method can be used for rubber processing. In addition, there are castings that use liquid monomers or polymers as raw materials. Among these methods, extrusion and injection molding are commonly used basic molding methods.


Last: Huoling 2021-10-22

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Telephone: 86+0573-83361666Mobile phone: 189-5739-8802

Mail box: huanghxb_119@sina.com

Yisheng: No. 39, Meidong Road, Wangdian Town, Xiuzhou District, Jiaxing City

Yixuan: Inside Jiaxing Huapeng Motorcycle Parts Co., Ltd. on the north side of Yufeng Road, Yuxin Town, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City

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